NOTES on Status of Bill C-71: Subsequent to the 2018 discussion with Senator Pratte copied here and lobbying from many quarters the upshot was that the Senate did nothing to recommend amendments to Bill C-71 and the Bill was passed taking until May of 2022 for final implementation of most provisos subject to an amnesty…
Dear Premier Ford:
The actions by the UK and Denmark outlined in the attached report wherein Covid jabs have now been “prohibited” for teenagers, young children and those under 50 yrs of age have largely been hidden by the media but it’s time to let the cat outa the bag. How long will it take before your government…
Liberal Party Persecution of Law-abiding Firearm Owners
February 21, 2021 To: EditorThe Sault Star RE: Liberal Party Persecution of Law-abiding Firearm Owners Government ineptness in one area leads to overkill in others to enact what I call the deflection effect creating the mirage that all is well so just trust us and you’ll all be well-taken care of; we’ve all seen this…
Covid-19 Realities and opening the Canada-US Border October 2020
Sept. 2, 2020 To: Premier Ford Queen’s Park, Toronto Dear Premier: The realities of Covid-19 need to be appreciated for what they are so the Canada-US border is justifiably opened commencing in October. The facts supporting such a policy are at least the following: The primary risk justifying the border closure was the expectation of…